Topic: The complementarity and substitutional effects of forced and emergent mechanisms in multisourcing
Speaker: Professor Ilan Oshri, Director of the Centre of Digital Enterprise, University of Auckland (U Auckland)
Date and time: June 11, 12:00–13:30
Venue: Room 501, SEM Building
Host: Mao Jiye
This paper examines the effect of forced and emergent competition- and cooperation-enhancing mechanisms on joint multisourcing performance. We draw on research on coopetition in IS multisourcing and the literature on the crowding-out effect to theorise the interplay between these mechanisms. We argue that the key to understanding whether these mechanisms complement or substitute each other lies in the distinction between forced and emergent mechanisms, as these respectively invoke either an economic or a social logic among vendors. We test these ideas through a survey study of 108 multisourcing arrangements. Our results show that while a forced competition and an emergent cooperation mechanism can individually improve joint performance in multisourcing, the co-existence of economic and social logics results in a substitutional effect. A complementary effect is achieved when competition and cooperation mechanisms are of the same logic. Our study extends the existing IS outsourcing literature by shedding light on the role of forced and emergent competition or cooperation mechanisms, in enhancing multisourcing performance.
llan Oshri is the Director of the Centre of Digital Enterprise and the Disciplinary Area Lead of Behavioural IS at the University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand. Ilan’s research interests revolve around sourcing, work and innovation in business services. Ilan’s work was published in numerous journals including MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Sloan Management Review and others. Ilan has published 23 books and dozens of industry reports and teaching cases on global sourcing, digital transformation and emerging technologies. He is the co-founder of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group on Advances in Sourcing, the Qualitative Paper Development Workshop, the Global Sourcing Workshop and the Research for Impact Workshop. Ilan is currently serving as Senior Editor for the Journal of Information Technology and MISQ Executive.