• SPST Professor Honored by Shanghai Government
    Recently, School of Physical Sciences and Technology (SPST) Professor Osamu Terasaki, director of Center for High-resolution Electron Microscopy (CћEM), was awarded the 2018 Magnolia Silver Award in recognition of his positive contributions to Shanghai’s economic and social development, especially for fostering international exchange of advanced technology.Professor Terasaki is a world-renowned s...
  • SPST Professor's Group Reports Novel Semiconductor Material
    Angewandte Chemie
    In a paper titled “All-Inorganic Perovskite CsSnBr3 as a Thermally Stable, Free-Carrier Semiconductor,” School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST) Professor Mi Qixi’s group studied a new semiconductor material CsSnBr3 (cesium tin bromide). Compared with similar materials, a more favorable crystal structure and electronic band structure enable CsSnBr3 to generate free charge...
  • SPST Scientists Make Nanomaterials Advance
    Nano Letters
    Research teams led by Dr. Yu Ping and Dr. Li Gang of the School of Physical Science and Technology have found a new way for engineering the zigzag edge state of Graphene Nanoribbons with atomic precision. Their work, entitled “Edge State Engineering of Graphene Nanoribbons,” was published online in Nano Letters on August 15, 2018.Graphene nanoribbon, a novel one-dimensional graphe...
  • Zuo Group Develops Photocatalytic Methane Conversion Methodology
    The Zuo Group at the School of Physical Science and Technology recently developed a photocatalytic methane conversion methodology which can directly transform methane, ethane and other gaseous alkanes into value-added liquid product. This breakthrough in organic chemistry provides a novel, green and mild catalytic platform for natural gas utilization, and could lead to broad applications in the en...
  • SPST Researchers Published in Chemical Science
    Chemical Science
    Research groups led by Professor Li Tao and Zhong Chao from the School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST) at ShanghaiTech University have co-developed a method that can grow metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) on nearly any polymeric surfaces using bacterial adhesive curli nanofibers (CNFs) as a mediator. Their work, "Adhesive Bacterial Amyloid Nanofibers-Mediated ...
  • ChEM Inauguration and Forum Held
    The inauguration of Center for High-Resolution Electron Microscopy (ChEM) and international electron microscopy forum was successfully held in SPST from May 27th to 29th. After nearly three years of construction, under the coordination of the whole university's functional departments, an advanced electron microscopy research and teaching center with excellent equipment and service in the front...
  • Engineered Bacterium Reported by Zhong Chao's Group
    Advanced Materials
    Zhong Chao’s Group in the Division of Materials and Physical Biology at ShanghaiTech’s School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST) has recently reported an engineered bacterium, which could sense environmental signals (for example, light or small molecules) to produce biofilms and, and simultaneously direct the assembly of inorganic nano-objects with spatiotemporal control in a dynamic, rec...
  • Construction Begins on Hard X-Ray FEL
    On April 27th, the Opening Ceremony for “Hard X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility Forum- Opportunities and Challenges” was held at ShanghaiTech. Bai Jingyu, Department Director of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC); Zhou Bo, Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai; Zhang Tao, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS); Jiang Mianheng, President of ShanghaiTech University; Shi ...
  • Nanofibrils in Nature and Materials Engineering
    Nature Reviews Materials
    Professor Shengjie Ling of School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University, in collaboration with Professor David L. Kaplan of Tufts University and Markus J. Buehler of Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a review article of “Nanofibrils in nature and materials engineering” in Nature Reviews Materials on April 5th.Biopolymer nanofibrils, such as cellulose, c...
  • Insights into How Staphylococcus Aureus Utilizes StP
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    Recently, Dr. Ji Quangjiang’s group from the School of Physical Science and Technology deciphered the molecular mechanism of how the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus utilizes staphylopine (StP) to recognize and capture metal ions from its surroundings.Their research was published in an article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences titled “Mechanistic insights into staph...
  • Long-standing Scientific Mystery Solved
    Nature Communications
    A research team led by Professor Chen Gang of the School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University has solved the long-standing mystery of the origin of the attractive forces between like-charged colloidal particles. Their work was recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.Colloids adsorbed at a fluid interface are ubiquitous in nature and central to a...
  • Progress Made in Sychrotron-based Bioimaging
    A team of scientists led by Professor Huaidong Jiang and Professor Zhi Liu of the School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University, along with Professor Chunying Chen of the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, Professor Renzhong Tai of the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics have made important progress in the field of bioimaging based on synchrotron radi...
  • Researchers Develop Efficient CO<sub>2</sub> Mitigation Principle
    A team of researchers led by Professor Lin Bolin at ShanghaiTech University have discovered a new principle for efficient CO2 mitigation, and, for the first time, explicitly overturned the dominant paradigm that the use of fossil fuel power to drive CO2 chemical reductions would create more CO2 emissions than it would reduce CO2. The researchers propose a progressive strategy for gl...
  • Ji Lab Develops “Base Editor” for Bacterial Superbugs
    Chemical Science
    Recently, a collaboration between the Ji Lab at the School of Physical Science and Technology, and Beijing Institute of Genomics’s Han Lab developed a single-base editing technique in Staphylococcus aureus and their results were published online in Chemical Science in an article titled, “Highly Efficient Base Editing in Staphylococcus aureus Using an Engineered CRISPR RNA-guided C...