• Zhang Yuebiao's Group Discovered a “Breathing” Covalent Organic Framework
    Professor Zhang Yuebiao’s research group, in collaboration with researchers from Lanzhou University, recently published a paper titled “A Dynamic Covalent Organic Framework” in the Journal of American Chemical Society. SPST graduate student Wei Lei is the co-author, and Dr. Zhang Yuebiao and Professor Wang Wei are the corresponding authors. The ShanghaiTech University research was supported by ...
  • OpenFog Consortium Holds Fog Computing Workshop
    The Fog Computing workshop, organized by OpenFog and ShanghaiTech University (ShanghaiTech) on April 24th, was held at the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), ShanghaiTech University. Along with the workshop, the OpenFog Consortium Greater China Regional Committee and the Shanghai Institute of Fog Computing Technology (SHIFT) were officially launched. Officials and researchers fro...
  • Ning Lab Developed a High Efficiency and Low Toxicity Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation Material with Broad Absorbance in Visible Region
    School of Physical Science and Technology Professor Ning Zhijun’s team recently made progress on photocatalytic hydrogen generation. They developed a high efficiency, low toxicity photocatalytic system based on colloidal quantum dots with broad absorbance in visible region.Their paper, “0D–2D Quantum Dot (QD): Metal Dichalcogenide Nanocomposite Photocatalyst Achieves Efficient Hydrogen Generatio...
  • Ji Lab Develops Bacterial Superbug Genome Editing Tool
    The Ji Lab at The School of Physical Science and Technology has developed a CRISPR/Cas9-based system (pCasSA) for rapid andefficient genome editing in Staphylococcusaureus, a major human pathogen that causes serious infections with a highmortality rate. Their work was recently published online in the Journal of the American Chemical Society in a paper titled “Rapid and Efficient Genome Editi...
  • ShanghaiTech Professor to Lead OpenFog Consortium Greater China
    On January 16, following the election results of the Board of Directors of the OpenFog Consortium, ShanghaiTech Distinguished Professor-in-Residence Yang Yang was appointed Director of the OpenFog Consortium Greater China Region (GCR) Committee. During his term, Professor Yang, representing ShanghaiTech will lead and promote the research, development, testing, and standardizing efforts in the GCR,...
  • Professor Mi Qixi’s SPST Group Develops Novel Titania Material Preparation Method
    Professor Mi Qixi’s group, in collaboration with researchers from Shanghai JiaoTong University and Jilin University, recently published an article titled “Accelerated room-temperature crystallization of ultrahigh-surface-area porous anatasetitania by storing photogenerated electrons” in Chemical Communications. A technology for storing photogeneratedelectrons is applied for accelerating room-te...
  • Cinematic Arts Program 2016 Review
    2016 saw an expedited expansion of the collaboration between ShanghaiTech University and University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts, in non-degree professional training in screenwriting, directing and producing. By nurturing both the creative and managerial sides of the film industry, the program has demonstrated its ambition to foster a healthy ecology in the film industry that...
  • Stanford Acting Dean of Engineering Thomas Kenny Visits ShanghaiTech
    On February 20th, Stanford University Acting Dean of Engineering Thomas Kenny came to ShanghaiTech at the invitation of President Jiang Mianheng. ShanghaiTech Vice President and Provost Yin Jie provided an overview of ShanghaiTech. Vice President Gong Jinkang focused on the introduction of international partnership. School of Physical Science and Technology Associate Dean Liu Zhi, School of Entre...
  • Novel Selective Methionine Bioconjugation Method Launched
    Post-translational modification (PTM) plays an important role inregulating the physiological activity of proteins, controlling the enzymecatalytic activity and protein-protein recognition in the biological process. The chemical modification of proteins can study the physiological mechanism of proteins by mimicking PTM process, as well as tracking proteins invitro/vivoand developing therapeutic pro...
  • Visiting Expert Talks Admissions
    On February 13th, James Miller, Former Dean of Admission at Brown University and now Admission Consultant to Harvard College shared his experiences with ShanghaiTech’s admission team, at the invitation of President Jiang Mianheng.   Having been the Dean of Admission at Brown for 11 years, James Miller has extensive experience in admission and financial aid. His team, composed of 38 staff, en...
  • Economics Nobel Laureate Visits ShanghaiTech
    On January 20th 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economics Professor Sir James Mirrlees and Mrs. PatriciaMirrlees visited ShanghaiTech at the invitation of President Jiang Mianheng. Thevisit started with a meeting with the School of Entrepreneurship and Managementfaculty members and after the warm welcome from President Jiang, SEM professorsdiscussed domestic and world economic issues with Professor Mirrlee...
  • ShanghaiTech Hosts Babson College President
    On January 10th Babson College President Dr. Kerry Healey visited ShanghaiTech, together withMr. Fred Kiang, member of the Babson Board of Trustees. Following VicePresident Gong Jinkang’s detailed introduction of ShanghaiTech, Dean May Lee ofSchool of Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM) talked about the school’slatest developments and reflected on the ongoing communication and dialoguebetween ...
  • Researchers Reveal a Neural Mechanism for Body Temperature Regulation
    Recently, Dr. Wei L. Shen’s group from ShanghaiTech University has published a research article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences titled with “A hypothalamic circuit that controls body temperature.” They have elucidated a neural mechanism responsible for heat defensive behavior.Thermal homeostasis is essential for survival in mammals. Significant deviation of body temperat...
  • TechCrunch